Shakthi FM Privacy Policy

Effective as from 15 June 2017

1. Introduction

Thanks for choosing Shakthi FM app. To provide you with the Streaming & Visual Radio Service, MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd (“MBC”, “we”, “us”, “our”) needs to collect some information about you, and this Privacy Policy is where we describe the information we collect, what we do with it, and how you can manage and control the use of your information. By using or interacting with the App, you are entering into a binding contract with us and consenting to the use of your information as explained in this Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree with these terms, then please don’t use the App.

2. Introduction

2.1 Registration data

When you sign up, we may collect information we ask you for, like your e-mail address (username) and password. We may also collect information you voluntarily add to your profile, such as date of birth, gender and country. If you connect to the App using your Facebook or g+ credentials, you authorise us to collect your authentication information, such as your username, encrypted access credentials, and other information that may be available on or through your Facebook account, including your name, profile picture, country, hometown, e-mail address, date of birth and gender. We may store this information so that it can be used for the purposes explained in Section 3 and may verify your credentials with Facebook or g+.

2.2 Usage, log data & cookies

When you use the App, we automatically collect certain information, including: (i) information about your type of listener and your, interactions with the App, RJs, including with streaming type (video/audio), streaming quality, conversation info.; (ii) the details of the queries you make on requesting a song; (iii) technical data, which may include the URL you are coming from, your IP address, unique device ID, network and computer performance, language and identifying information, transactional information enabling digital rights management, operating system, and application version; and (iv) location information. If you have connected your account to Facebook/g+, we may receive similar information related to your interactions with the App on Facebook/g+. We may store this information so that it can be used for the purposes explained in Section 3.

3. How we use the information, we collect

We may use the information we collect, including your personal information, to: (i) provide, personalise, and improve your experience with the App, for example by providing customised or localised content; (ii) ensure technical functioning of the App, and analyse your use of the App, including your interaction with applications, and services that are made available, linked to or offered in the App; (iii) communicate with you for App-related purposes, including promotional notifications or messages; (v) enforce this Privacy Policy, including to protect the rights, property or safety of MBC, users or any other person and the copyright-protected content of the App; and (vi) as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy.

4. Security

We are committed to protecting our users’ information. Your password protects your user account, so you should use a unique and strong password, limit access to your personal devices, and sign off after having used the App. While we take reasonable data protection precautions, no security measures are completely secure, and we do not guarantee the security of user information at any time.

5. Accessing and updating user information

You can access and amend some of the information we keep on you through your profile.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please visit this Privacy Policy regularly. If we make changes, which we believe are material, we will inform you through the App. Your continued use of the App thereafter constitutes acceptance of the changes.

Copyright © 2017 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd. All rights reserved

MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd., 45/3, Braybrooke Place, Colombo 2, Sri Lanka
